Mindfulness for Parents & Carers.
Mindfulness for Parents/Carers a FREE online 6-week course
This course is aimed at parents and carers of young children and early teens. During the course, we will explore many aspects of parenting and how bringing mindfulness to our roles as parents not only enhances our own well-being and lives but also those of our children. There is emerging evidence that suggests that extending mindfulness into families can support both parents and children and strengthen positive communication and relationships. As a parent, we have many demands and commitments often resulting in increased stress levels and scattered minds. We find ourselves managing not only our own emotions but those of our children. We often wonder if we are "getting it right" and doubt our own abilities. Mindful parenting can help reduce parents’ stress, boost confidence in all aspects of life and bring calm ease, kindness, and fun into daily living.
This is a truly valuable course for any parent or caregiver. Throughout the course, we embrace the reality of being a good enough and sometimes imperfect parent, and the deep truth that we can only give our children what we have first given to ourselves...
We will explore practices that you can use at home with your children, designed to complement the adult practices that you will be learning each week. The practices are fun and offer a rich experience and a new way to spend time with your child.
Includes a Journal for Parents, a booklet of Kids’ practices, and 6 mindfulness recordings.
This course is taught to Parents and Carers, without their children present.
This a highly recommended course for parents who are curious about Mindfulness. This course is structured in such a way that parents and carers feel the benefits of Mindfulness for themselves in just a few weeks. When a parent/caregiver begins to feel and notice the benefits of Mindfulness practice for themselves, they are then able to share Mindfulness with their children from a place of
I will be facilitating this online course for Extra Support for Families beginning on Tuesday 29th April 2025. The dates are 29th April, 6th, 13th, 20th May. Half term holiday, then returning 3rd &10th June. Tuesday mornings 10am to 12pm
This 6 week course is FREE and suitable for parents /carers of young children and young teens
Please contact the team at Extra Support for Families to register for a place.
Email: admin@extrasupportforfamilies.co.uk
Call: 01255475001